Submit your bio and photo for your Agent Page

We want to help you connect to more business. Your Agent Page is available on both our corporate website (

Under the CONTACT US menu is a selection for Authorized Agents. When a state is clicked, it takes the viewer to a page that lists the contact information for the agent(s) in that region.

If you need help, call or email marketing direct. (423) 680-6272

The better the photo (and higher resolution for quality) the better you look online.

Agent Photo/Bio
Best number to call if we have a question.
In what departments have you worked?
If you want to submit your bio in your own words, we will use it to write a standard company version.
Please upload a photo you want displayed next to your contact information on the public Agent page on the Freedom Warranty websites.

We will accept .jpg, .jpeg, .png files.

Upload a Photo

Maximum file size: 33.55MB